Commander Oracles: Legion of the Fallen

Welcome to another crazy article by yours truly; Brandon. Today, I wanted to touch base on some Commanders I never see being played anymore. These legendary generals either have never caught on or nobody thinks they are viable anymore. This list is in no particular order and is all my opinion, so please enjoy it.

1.Adun Oakenshield

Jund is an amazing color combo. You have the most disgusting sacrifice synergies around. Rakdos gives amazing removal while Golgari gives amazing graveyard synergies. Adun; the man with the neat shield, gives you the ability to return creatures from your graveyard to hand, in a graveyard deck that’s value creatures. Grab him up and try him out.

2.Arvad the Cursed

I love the idea of legendary tribal and Orzhov gives you so much value in that department with any creature type you can think of. Adding together the fact you get the best removal in the game and this commander will make your dreams of Akroma, Angel of Wrath and Ashling, the Extinguisher fighting side by side come true.

3.Blind Seer

Ever wanted to play Urza but with no artifacts? Well, let’s play switch the colors. Combine abilities that annoy opponents like Cowardice or Dismiss into Dream and you have one top-notch control deck. Fool around with his crazy ability and invent new ways to make your opponents say “Wait, what?”

4.Kaervek the Merciless

Rakdos players really only understand two phrases: “pain” and “suffering“! Well, this guy does both. I don’t see him played much anymore since there are so many other valid Rakdos legends. However, I want to see more people play him and destroy people with their own spells.

5.Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient

Artifacts are amazing. Now imagine using this Ogre here and copying some crazy abilities like Burnished Hart or Kuldotha Forgemaster, make some gross value out of things that should not work but do work. Enjoy the crazy combos and thank me later.

6.Mina and Denn, Wildborn

Landfall is an amazing mechanic, you get to abuse triggers and ramp hard. With this Commander, you get to do that flawlessly. I used to play them when they first released. A wonderful mixture of big beaters, ramp, and ETB effects. Create a loop of Landfall and ETB while giving those obnoxious Hydras trample. As a result, it becomes a Gruul player’s dream and soon, it will be your dream too.

7. Mishra, Artificer Prodigy

Now I know what you’re saying: “But Brandon, this doesn’t work in Commander.” Well, let me introduce a Commander that effectively makes all of your artifacts uncounterable, combos with Possibility Storm, and is actually really good if you think about it. Furthermore, I personally want to build him one day and make a ridiculous combo deck that locks opponents out of the game.

8.Mowu, Loyal Companion

This good boy is a really good boy. Stack counters on him, put some good enchantments like Hydra’s Growth on him and make him dodge removal with Hexproof effects. He becomes one scarily good boy, that’s for sure.

9. Nath of the Gilt-Leaf

I’ve built this guy before. You make an elf tribal deck that counts discard effects as elf generation. Double the value in a beat down strategy. Add the Golgari goodness and you’ve got yourself one heck of a deck. I personally enjoyed playing Syphon Mind. You draw a bunch and make a nice army of elves who, let’s be honest, aren’t going to be 1/1 for very long.

10. The Scorpion God

I love counter synergies. This one is no different, as Rakdos is the king of -1/-1 counters and killing things so why not put them together into a creature that’s as cool as this one. Add effects like Black Sun’s Zenith and Necroskitter you can create some very powerful synergies. Try it out for yourself.

Thank you for reading and be sure to come back for more amazing articles.