Commander Oracles: So, I Heard You Like Ramp?

Hey everyone, Brandon here with another informative article. Green is known for two things; big boys and lots of land. With an entire set of big boys coming out in Ikoria, I thought I would discuss the best ramp cards in EDH. I will be covering non-creature spells as the best mana dorks will be in next week’s article. This list is just numbered and these are not in any specific order. Enjoy!

1. Cultivate or Kodama’s Reach

These cards are basically identical other than Kodama’s Reach being an Arcane spell. This is a great early game move as it ramps you 1 land and then guarantees a land drop next turn. One of the main ways of falling behind is missing your land drops and this spell doesn’t just guarantee it, it also makes you ready to whirlwind slam a five-drop in no time.

2. Far Wanderings

Far Wanderings is one of those spells that is really good in certain strategies. Being a deck that slings spells or uses the graveyard makes the threshold on this card ridiculous. 3 lands for 3 mana is an amazing deal. This is an auto-include in any Muldrotha, the Gravetide, or Riku of Two Reflections deck. Enjoy this new little piece of tech.

3.  Primal Growth

3 mana and sacrifice creature to grab 2 basic lands? It’s an amazing deal and should be included in any ramp slot for decks who like to sacrifice their own creatures. Enjoy!

4. Boundless Realms

What is better than ramping? Flexing all over your opponents by doing the ultimate ramp. This spell grabs basic lands equal to the number of lands you control and this spell does it well. Imagine never ever drawing another land late game. Just grabbing pure gas after you dump 7 mana into a spell. Enjoy this wonderful spell and get ready for glory!

5.  Circuitous Route

“But Brandon!” you scream. “This is just Explosive Vegetation!”

I disagree. This grabs Guildgates, why are Guildgates good? It means you can grab land that comes into play tapped anyways and a basic land or 2 Guildgates and make your mana even better. In a five-color deck it is a must grab because let’s be honest, you’re running Maze’s End. Furthermore, this is basically a replacement in every non-mono-green deck as it replaces Explosive Vegetation.

6. Omen of the Hunt

This card has always made me happy, it is an instant speed ramp spell that counts as an Enchantment for enchantress decks and Scries later on. It’s just a great card. Honestly, all of the Omens are except the red one are great, as per usual. Play these cards in any enchantress deck or honestly any deck you wanna scry and ramp. Enjoy the value!

7. Farseek

I do love this card in any non-mono-green deck. Because I repeat, this card is useless in a mono-green deck. It does not grab forests. However, it grabs everything else, which makes it amazing. So, make the right move and play it to grab any shock land, dual, or otherwise.

8.Nissa’s Pilgrimage

This card is very similar to the number one card except it only grabs forests. However, this card also has Spell Mastery, which grants the ability to further deck thin by grabbing an additional land, allowing for land drops for turns to come. Furthermore, in green, if you’re ramping hard you’ll have no issue triggering the ability.

9.  Broken Bond

I love this card a lot, it is a removal spell that allows you to up your land drops for a turn. However, you must have a target for it. Because of this, it is not a normally played card but in my books every Commander deck plays enchantments and artifacts therefore you’ll always have targets.

10. Hour of Promise

This is my favorite ramp card; it grabs 2 lands and if you are running the decent desert cards you can make a few zombies. For instance, grabbing Strip Mine and a Maze of Ith can be a game-changing play. For five mana I think it is a wonderful investment.


Mono-green has many powers but ramping is among its most powerful, now you may also harness its power, thank you again.

2 thoughts on “Commander Oracles: So, I Heard You Like Ramp?

  1. You are missing some very good cards here.

    Rampant growth, Nature’s Lore (has to grab a forest but does not specify basic), Edge of Autumn (Only works if you have 4 or fewer lands but can be cycled away late game), Growth Spasm (Grabs a basic into play and gives you an eldrazi spawn), Journey of Discovery (Flexible card that can allow you to land dump from hand or search up 2 lands or both), and then Ranger’s Path (Which once again only grabs forests but does not specify basic so you can grab 2 shocks with it)

    1. Yes I understand those are some great cards but I just grabbed a handful of them and put them in an article. I wanted to stay away from rampant growth and other variants of it as well. Those are still amazing cards and I am glad people can read them in the comments

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